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Energetic Healing

Sumara’s Master Qualities

What is best f or you, which way is the right way?

What is best f or you, which way is the right way? Realize it regardless of your will, your desires. Under safe guidance you can grow and expand without fear and restrictions and realize which of your own qualities want to manifest next, which task lies ahead. Sumara’s master qualities provide her with unique access, tools and ways of energetic healing, she can set to work effectively.

Energetic Healing

Grand Coeur: One Quality, Two Paths

Grand Coeur is one expression of this quality of the heart.

By the purity and clarity of her very own  quality as master of the Essenes Sumara assists healing in areas often unreachable for oneself. Grand Coeur is one expression of this quality of the heart.

Grand Coeur contains two healing paths: Dissolving the Primal Pain and healing male-female conflicts.


Path One: Dissolving the Primal Pain

By her very own Grand Coeur quality Sumara can transform the Primal Pain preserved in our hearts and liberate separated traumas which so far have been blocked by too much pain.

Grand Coeur, the dissolving of the Primal Pain makes way for long-lasting reorientation.


Path Two: Healing Male-Female Conflicts

Everyone of us harbors polar male-female conflicts. Sumara heals these conflicts in us and helps undo our entanglements.


Both ways initiate an effective reorientation. In some cases the need for a follow up session might arise. Sumara is glad to assist you with this.

Energetic Healing

Spiritual Names And Soul Readings

Your spiritual name connects you with the origin of your soul

Your spiritual name connects you with the origin of your soul, your very own soul quality and your life task here on earth. Once you know your spiritual name and its meaning, an enormous growth process will be initiated. You will once more find access to you soul's potential and be aware of the power within you. Sumara will access the “level of natural law” to retrieve your spiritual name, if your are willing to open up for your true self. Upon request she will additionally retrieve a longer reading  identifying, describing and reconnecting you with your soul's qualities.

Energetic Healing

Reprogramming Of Neural Strains

All of us know the experience of falling back into the same patterns of thought and action again and again.

All of us know the experience of falling back into the same patterns of thought and action again and again. Patterns which have become habits beyond our control. Patterns which restrict us and hinder our growth instead of letting us live and act in freedom. The reprogramming of neural strains is a fast and effective solution to dissolve all those restraining patterns and live our potential in all facets of our lives.

Energetic Healing

Energetic Feng Shui

Feng Shui is the ancient wisdom of the flow of the energies around us.

Feng Shui is the ancient wisdom of the flow of the energies around us. Sumara can harmonize the energy flow in buildings, living and work spaces. Supportive energies will be attracted and old and blocked energies will be redirected or removed effectively. Balanced energies provide us with peace, strength, harmony and growth. Energetic Feng Shui leads to noticeable positive change in our lives - and this without renovation or moving furniture

Energetic Healing

Gauri Gatha

The world we live in is determined by regulations, structures and systems.

The world we live in is determined by regulations, structures and systems. We don't always feel comfortable in these given frameworks, but quite often don't know the reasons why. Gauri Gatha helps to recognize harmful and constraining relationship structures. They are being explained, their origin is revealed and the path towards the resolution of the conflict is being specified and implemented.

Energetic Healing

Past Life Regressions

Past life regressions are journeys to our origin.

Past life regressions are journeys to our origin. This guided session is the gate through which we can leave our space-time structure behind to experience wholeness. We are working to further our development by looking at ideas and perceptions we cultivated in our past or in former lives. Many people already have experienced initiations and gathered spiritual knowledge in earlier incarnations which they can use for healing or providing leadership for others. By a guided journey into your past you can retrieve hidden wisdom and knowledge and integrate in your everyday life.

With past life regressions a door opens up to a spiritual connection that lets us see, experience and understand, why we are having difficulties in a certain area of our life. Through these guided sessions the root cause of the issue can be understood and forgiveness and closure can be achieved.

Past life regressions open the door to a new understanding of your life and purpose and they help to pave the way to a new age of unity with your true self.


The Four Stages Of Inauguration Of The Essenes

The historical Essenes were a highly spiritual community living in Judea and Galilee (Israel) from around 200 BC to 70 AD.

The historical Essenes were a highly spiritual community living in Judea and Galilee (Israel) from around 200 BC to 70 AD. About the historical Essenes exists about as much literature as speculation. It is widely assumed that they lived an ascetic life seperately from the jews in monastic seclusion in communities with joint property. But they are much more than a long gone historical community. Rather they stand for vivid healing knowledge which still today is hidden in some of us. It's mostly in those having a strong connection with the Essenes or who were Essenes in former lifes.

Taipeh in Englisch
1st & 2nd block: 3. - 8.4.2025
3rd block: 4. - 6. 10.2025
4th block: 10. -12.10.2025

Price: € 7500 incl. tax


Aura Training - Healing Through Colors

Reading aura is fascinating, not only for consultants and therapists.

Reading aura is fascinating, not only for consultants and therapists. The gift to to recognize essential causes of blockades and treat them right away creates invaluable trust. In the aura training you will learn to expand your perception by initiations and repeated practice; recognize and diagnose the aura of other beings; discover blockades and potentials und heal them. Would you like to learn to read aura?

Price: € 3000 + value-added tax


Training For Alpha Chi Consultants

Any graduate from the "Path into Light" who gained insight at the end of the seminar that working as an Alpha Chi Consultant is part of their spiritual development can take part in this training with Sumara.

Any graduate from the "Path into Light" who gained insight at the end of the seminar that working as an Alpha Chi Consultant is part of their spiritual development can take part in this training with Sumara.

In this practical training you will learn to access knowledge and solution-oriented information from the “level of natural law”. This will be used in spiritual coaching and energetic Feng Shui. So you will learn to perceive the flow of energies and transform it according to natural law. Or you will learn how to communicate with the spiritual world, with animals, plants and minerals and use the information received for the good of all beings.

If you have any questions, please contact Sumara directly.


Path Into Light®

The Path into Light® is a six-day-seminar from Agni Eickermann.

The Path into Light® is a six-day-seminar from Agni Eickermann. It's actually a path you can follow to arrive at yourself, to realize that everything you wish for and want to manifest in your life is already there for you. You only have to find the courage to take the first step.

If you become one with the flow of life, life itself will begin to flow with you. Everyday life will not disappear but the surrounding aspects of your life will change according to your inner growth.

It's a path you can actually take. The destination is the arrival at your own truth and the fulfilment of your heart's desire. This seminar was created for people who are ready to stride ahead on their true life journey. Deeply rooted blockades can be recognized and finally it will be possibly to let them go and heal them. You will acquire access to your chakras, learn to perceive yourself better and heal yourself. You will practise to handle light energies, light nutrition and communication on the subtle energy level. More and more you will realize your oneness with creation itself and by request you will receive information on your life-task.

Price: € 3600 including tax


Healing And Being Healed In The Light Of The Essenes - Healing Methods For Everyone

The Essenes are a spiritual community of faith.

The Essenes are a spiritual community of faith. They lived as healers during the time of Jesus. Their healing wisdom based on the Christ light comes to life again in present day.

The Essene healing methods affect the spiritual-mental area: The result is a powerful activation of the self-healing capacities.

In this 2-day workshop you will learn Essene healing rituals and methods for connecting heaven and earth, creating inner peace and balancing polarities. You will be initiated in a flame of the Christ light consciousness for treating chakras and aura.

Free Event

Meditation of the Heart

You are invited to meditate with us each first Thursday 6:30 p.m.

The Meditation of the Heart is a silent meditation on the mantra "God is love". It helps us to center ourself and by focusing on the heart chakra to experience the expansion of love.

You are invited to meditate with us each first Thursday at 6:30 p.m.

Free Event

Vibhuti Mantra

The Vibhuti Mantra is a prayer ritual asking for divine grace and healing of physical and emotional pain.

Free Event


The Suprabatham is a wonderful morning ritual to dedicate the new day to the divine, to align your whole being to the divine right from the waking moment. We first sing the elemental sound "OM" twenty one times. Then the person leading the ritual sings the Suprabhatam, a song in sanskrit. Then follows the silent Meditation of the Heart for fifteen minutes.

Free Event

Essene Blessing

In Sumara’s “Essene Blessing“ Jesus Christ is present ...

In Sumara’s “Essene Blessing“ Jesus Christ is present in his grace and his healing power, while she as Master of the Essenes puts long lost aspects back into our hearts. These are aspects which enable us to take the next steps in the new age of Christ. Save and secure in this light everyone can prepare to accept the things important and necessary to implement those steps in our lives and walk.

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