

Sumara Creuzberg

Leader of Bhakti Love and Master of the Essenes

For all those of you open and ready Sumara provides all her love and power and her very own qualities for your own path to yourself. More than thirty years ago Sumara started on her own spiritual path with the initiation into the Meditation of the heart by her teacher Agni. For many years she has been guiding people as Spiritual Teacher and Trainer for the Alpha Chi Consultants. She has been offering various trainings and many ways of self-awareness.

Sumara is an Essene Master and trains Essene healers. By the purity and clarity of her very own master quality Sumara assists healing in areas often unreachable for oneself. As a Master of the Essenes Sumara also is able to reawaken the love in the Light of Christ in the people who come to her.

Her clear-sighted, simple and at the same time highly effective down to earth work approach makes her beloved and highly appreciated by the people who get to meet her. With her humorous and grounded ways she never lets us forget that in the divine game of life in all seriousness there is always room for laughter.

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Antra Vehreschild

Alternative Practioner and Spiritual Teacher

She is an alternative practitioner since 1991. Here at Bhakti Love her main focus is Gauri Gatha, as systemic work technique. She is one of the supervisors for the "The Path Into Light®" an intensive 6-day seminar to embrace your true self.

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Mira Bataille

Essene Healer and Aura Reader

I've been working at Bhakti Love since 2005. During that time I've been trained by Sumara to be an Essene Healer and Aura Reader. On the first thursday evening of every month I offer the Essene Cleansing Ritual. Based on my aura clairvoyance I offer personal chakra and aura readings.

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